IGAD Commences Learning Mission To ECOWAS

Maryam Aminu

In a bid to transform the Community into an area of genuine freedom and enhance the free movement of persons within its member states, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) has commenced the learning mission to ECOWAS Commission with focus on free movement of persons regime and migration

The learning mission which aims to share experience and gain a better understanding of the free movement regime within the context of regional protocols on free movement of persons and transhumance said Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) was among the first regional bodies to
promote mobility within the region.

IGAD revealed it’s member states as Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Somalia, the Sudan, South Sudan and Uganda with ECOWAS as a regional economic community comprising of 15 Member States including Benin, Burkina Faso,Cabo Verde, Cote d’Ivoire, Gambia,Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mai, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo

IGAD Member States have continuously made commitments and made great strides towards achieving greater regional integration among Member States in order to realise trade regional expansion, economies of scale, and greater foreign direct investment, all of which contribute to accelerated economic growth and increased welfare and security of countries to benefit the IGAD citizenry.

The IGAD Secretariat noted that migration remains an irresistible and influential human process in the GAD Region visualizing it as a powerful and effective engine of growth, development and life-transforming experience for the people involved

The GAD region and the ECOWAS region are characterized by migratory movements driven by multiple political, economic and environmental factors making it difficult to establish clear lines between categories of migrants, refugees and forcibly displaced persons

Speaking during the IGAD Learning Mission To ECOWAS Commission funded by the European Union Emergency Trust Fund(EUTF) held on the 21st May, 2024 in Abuja, Nigeria, the Vice President, ECOWAS Commission H.E. Ms. Damtien L. Tchintchibidja commended IGAD for finding ECOWAS worthy of collaboration in the exchange of ideas in the areas of free movement transhumance and other institutional matters

Tchintchibidja expressed that over the years, the two RECs have been working together in areas of common interest.

“Beyond sharing of best practices on free movement and transhumance, cooperation between ECOWAS and IGAD could be nudged higher. By leveraging our collective strengths, we can enhance our capacity for conflict prevention, deepen our economic ties, and promote sustainable development for collective pursuit of prosperity and stability.”

“Our existing collaboration is a testament to what can be achieved when neighbours support each other in areas of mutual interest. Let us build upon the solid foundation of sharing of best practices that have been laid and strive towards building and strengthening REC-to-REC cooperation and partnerships.” She added

According to her, “as the torchbearer for inter-REC coordination, ECOWAS looks forward to your continuing support and cooperation. We should continuously be reminded of the shared vision that binds us ,a vision of stability, prosperity, and peace for all our member states. Let us embrace this moment of sharing of best practices and exchanging of ideas on free movement and transhumance as an opportunity and a catalyst for deepening our ties.” Said ECOWAS Vice President

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