
Discourage Deforestation today

Deforestation refers to the large-scale removal or clearing of forests or trees from an area. This process is often driven by human activities such as logging, agriculture, and urban expansion.

The consequences of deforestation are numerous and severe. The most immediate impact is the loss of habitat for countless plant and animal species, leading to a decline in biodiversity. Forests are home to approximately 80% of terrestrial biodiversity, so their destruction can result in the extinction of species.

Deforestation also contributes to climate change. Trees absorb carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas responsible for global warming, and release oxygen. When trees are cut down or burned, this process is disrupted, leading to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions and the exacerbation of climate change.

Furthermore, deforestation leads to soil erosion, as the trees and their roots help to anchor the soil in place. Without tree cover, soil is more susceptible to erosion from wind and water, resulting in the loss of fertile soil and the degradation of land.

Deforestation also has social and economic impacts. Many indigenous communities and rural populations depend on forests for their livelihoods, including for food, shelter, and income from sustainable activities like logging or non-timber forest products. The destruction of forests can therefore lead to the displacement and impoverishment of these communities.

Efforts to address deforestation include establishing protected areas, implementing sustainable land-use practices, and promoting reforestation and afforestation programs. International agreements such as the United Nations’ Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) initiative aim to provide financial incentives for forest conservation and sustainable management.

Overall, deforestation is a critical environmental issue that requires concerted global efforts to mitigate its impacts and protect the world’s forests for future generations.


Project sponsored by Zenith Global Media Services & Consultancy


Stop Environmental degradation, it is harmful to our environment

The world is blessed with natural and mineral resources, but exploitation of these resources has led to extreme pollution of the environment. Population growth and urbanization due to developments have also contributed immensely to the current pollution globally. Traffic emissions, transported dust and open burning are all significant contributors to air pollution around the world. The Sahara desert is a major source of transported dust, especially during the harmattan season in West Africa. Mercury emissions are very high in South Africa due to coal combustion and gold mining. Air pollutants may contaminate water and soil through atmospheric deposition. However, the major pollution sources for surface waters are the urban and industrial discharges of untreated effluents into the water. A few African countries have standards for effluent discharge into surface waters, but it is unknown whether these standards are being enforced. Though groundwater sources in wells and boreholes are the major sources of drinking water for the African populace, the biological water quality of these groundwater sources is mostly low in the region due to close proximity to sanitary facilities. Identified sources of soil pollution in Africa include agricultural activities, mining, roadside emissions, auto-mechanic workshops, refuse dumps and e-waste.

Oil spills are a major problem in oil-rich African countries such as Nigeria and Angola. Agricultural activities are the lowest impacting the soil in Africa

The role of citizens on environmental degradation can vary greatly depending on their actions and choices. Here are some ways in which citizens can contribute to environmental degradation:

Over consumption: Citizens play a significant role in environmental degradation through overconsumption of natural resources. The demand for products and services can lead to excessive extraction of resources, deforestation, and habitat destruction.

Waste generation: Citizens contribute to environmental degradation by generating large amounts of waste. Improper disposal of waste, such as littering or illegal dumping, can pollute land, waterways, and air.

Energy consumption: Citizens are responsible for energy consumption in households, transportation, and industrial activities. Overreliance on fossil fuels and inefficient energy use contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change.

Pollution: Individual actions, such as using harmful chemicals, pesticides, or fertilizers, can contaminate water bodies and soil, leading to pollution. Additionally, personal choices related to transportation, such as using private vehicles instead of public transportation, can increase air pollution.

Lack of awareness and education: Citizens who are uninformed or unaware of the environmental consequences of their actions may inadvertently contribute to environmental degradation. Lack of knowledge about sustainable practices and alternatives can hinder positive environmental behavior.

However, citizens also have the power to mitigate environmental degradation:

Sustainable practices: Citizens can adopt sustainable practices, such as reducing energy and water consumption, recycling and reducing waste, and choosing environmentally-friendly products. These actions help reduce the pressure on natural resources, conserve energy, and minimize pollution.

Advocacy and activism: Citizens can play a crucial role in raising awareness and advocating for environmentally-friendly policies and practices. This can involve engaging in protests, petitions, or lobbying efforts to promote sustainability and hold governments and corporations accountable.

Community involvement: Citizens can actively participate in community-based initiatives, such as tree planting, clean-up drives, or conservation projects. Collaborating with local organizations and engaging in environmental volunteering activities helps protect ecosystems and enhance local sustainability.

Education and awareness: Citizens can educate themselves and others about environmental issues, encouraging sustainable behavior. By staying informed about climate change, pollution, and conservation, citizens can make informed decisions that contribute to environmental protection.

Responsible consumer choices: Citizens can vote with their wallets by supporting companies that prioritize sustainability and environmentally-friendly practices. This can influence businesses to adopt more sustainable practices and reduce their environmental impact.

Overall, citizens have the ability to either contribute to environmental degradation or play an active role in its mitigation and prevention. With the right choices and actions, individuals can contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly future.

How to curb the menace

Increase awareness and education: Educate individuals and communities about the importance of the environment and the consequences of environmental degradation. This can be done through schools, media campaigns, and community events.

Promote sustainable practices: Encourage individuals, businesses, and governments to adopt sustainable practices. This includes reducing waste, conserving water and energy, and promoting renewable energy sources.

Regulate and enforce environmental laws: Implement and enforce strict regulations to prevent pollution and promote the sustainable use of resources. This includes enforcing laws against illegal logging, pollution, and wildlife trafficking.

Support reforestation and habitat restoration: Invest in programs that restore damaged ecosystems and protect biodiversity. This includes planting trees, restoring wetlands and coral reefs, and protecting endangered species.

Encourage responsible consumption and production: Promote responsible consumption by reducing waste and promoting recycling and reuse. Encourage sustainable production practices that minimize the use of resources and reduce pollution.

Support renewable energy: Invest in renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and decrease greenhouse gas emissions.

Encourage international cooperation: Collaborate with other countries and international organizations to address global environmental challenges. This includes sharing best practices, promoting sustainable development, and supporting international agreements such as the Paris Agreement.

Foster community involvement: Engage local communities in environmental conservation efforts. This can be done through volunteer programs, community gardens, and local environmental projects.

Support sustainable agriculture: Promote sustainable agricultural practices that minimize the use of chemicals, conserve water, and protect soil health. This includes promoting organic farming, agroforestry, and regenerative agriculture.

Invest in research and innovation: Support research and development of new technologies and practices that promote environmental sustainability. This includes investing in green technologies, sustainable materials, and eco-friendly infrastructure.

Overall, ending environmental degradation requires a multi-faceted approach involving education, regulation, community involvement, and international cooperation. It requires a shift towards sustainable practices and a collective effort to protect and restore the environment for future generations.


Project sponsored by Zenith Global Media Services & Consultancy


Environmental Security

Environmental security refers to the protection of communities and individuals from potential environmental threats and risks that may arise from both natural and human-induced causes. These threats can arise due to various factors, including lack of knowledge, accidents, improper management, or intentional actions, and can occur within a specific nation or transcend national borders.

These environmental dangers can take many forms, such as natural disasters like hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, or wildfires. They can also include human-induced hazards like industrial accidents, pollution, deforestation, climate change, or the release of harmful substances into the environment. These environmental risks can have significant negative impacts on public safety, health, and wellbeing.

To address environmental security concerns, governments, international organizations, and communities work to develop policies, regulations, and practices focused on preventing and mitigating environmental risks. This may involve implementing measures to reduce pollution, promoting sustainable land and resource management, developing early warning systems for natural disasters, improving emergency response capabilities, and fostering international cooperation to address transboundary environmental challenges.

By prioritizing environmental security, societies aim to ensure the sustainability and resilience of their communities, minimize potential harm, and protect public health. The understanding and management of environmental risks are crucial for maintaining a safe and secure environment for present and future generations.

Environmental security is the relative public safety from environmental dangers caused by natural or human processes due to ignorance, accident, mismanagement or  design and originating within or across national borders.

Environmental security is the state of human–environment dynamics that includes restoration of the environment damaged by military actions, and amelioration of resource scarcities, environmental degradation, and biological threats that could lead to social disorder and conflict.

Environmental security is the proactive minimization of anthropogenic threats to the functional integrity of the biosphere and thus to its interdependent human component.

By ensuring environmental security we mean guarding against environmental degradation in order to preserve or protect human, material, and natural resources at scales ranging from global to local.

The term environmental security refers to a range of concerns that can be organized into three general categories:

1. Concerns about the adverse impact of human activities on the environment.

2. Concerns about the direct and indirect effects of various forms of environmental change (especially scarcity and degradation) which may be natural or human-generated on national and regional security.

3. Concerns about the insecurity individuals and groups (from small communities to humankind) experience due to environmental change such as water scarcity, air pollution, global warming, and so on. Combining these we might conclude that the condition of environmental security is one in which social systems interact with ecological systems in sustainable ways, all individuals have fair and reasonable access to environmental goods, and mechanisms exist to address environmental crises and conflicts.

Environmental security is the maintenance of the physical surroundings of society for its needs without diminishing the natural stock.

Environmental security is protectedness of natural environment and vital interests of citizens, society, the state from internal and external impacts, adverse processes and trends in development that threaten human health, biodiversity and sustainable functioning of ecosystems, and survival of humankind. Environmental security is an integral part of Russia’s national security.

Environmental security is the state of protection of vital interests of the individual, society, natural environment from threats resulting from anthropogenic and natural impacts on the environment

Traditionally, there are two main definitions of security according to the two main points of view:

Environmental security. The major challenge concerns the global environmental change, focusing on the interactions between ecosystems and mankind, the effects of global environmental change on environmental degradation, the effects of increasing social request for resources, ecosystem services, and environmental goods.

Human security. This item addresses different security aspects like social or political security. In this context, values at risk are the survival of human beings and their quality of life.

The relevant objects of environmental security are complex, adaptive systems with two main components – the social, characterized by human intent, and the ecological, rising without intent; these have interacted historically, and society strongly determines the landscape ecological components of such systems.

To introduce environmental security with reference to SESs, it is useful to refer to the definition provided by Arnold Wolfers in 1962, stating “Environmental security, in an objective sense, measures the absence of threats to acquired values, in a subjective sense, the absence of fear that such values will be attacked.”

Basically, it is necessary to consider that

security of SELs must be assessed both objectively and subjectively, because security is meaningless unless there is somebody perceiving it;

security is value laden, and what we consider values is related to our normative systems that nowadays recognize concepts like ecosystem functions and services, ecosystem integrity, and sustainability as fundamental values for the survival and well-being of mankind; and

humans have been historically providing threats to those values from local to global scale, but there are also threats coming from natural hazards and disasters.


Plastic pollution is an eyesore to our environment,  way forward

Affordable, durable, and flexible, plastic pervades modern life, appearing in everything from packaging to clothes to beauty products. But it is thrown away on a massive scale: every year, more than 280 million tonnes of short-lived plastic products become waste.

This excessive plastic waste has severe consequences for the environment and human health. Plastic takes hundreds of years to break down, leading to the accumulation of landfill waste and pollution of the oceans. Marine animals often mistake plastic debris for food, leading to ingestion and entanglement. Moreover, when plastic does break down, it releases harmful chemicals into the environment, further damaging ecosystems.

The production of plastic also contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, exacerbating climate change. Plastic is primarily made from fossil fuels, such as crude oil and natural gas, leading to the release of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases during extraction, refining, and manufacturing processes.

Reducing plastic waste requires a multi-faceted approach. Firstly, there is a need for improved waste management systems. Many countries lack proper infrastructure to collect and recycle plastic waste effectively. Investments in recycling facilities and public awareness campaigns are crucial in encouraging responsible plastic disposal.

Secondly, there is a need for sustainable alternatives to single-use plastics. Many disposable plastic items, such as straws, bags, and cutlery, have readily available alternatives made from more eco-friendly materials like paper, bamboo, or biodegradable plastics. Encouraging the use of these alternatives can help reduce the demand for virgin plastic production.

Furthermore, governments and businesses should consider implementing policies and regulations to limit the use of unnecessary plastics. This could include banning certain single-use plastic items or introducing taxes on plastic products to discourage their use. Additionally, promoting the concept of a circular economy, where products are designed for reuse and recycling, can significantly reduce plastic waste.

Individuals also have a role to play in reducing plastic waste. By adopting sustainable habits like using reusable bags, water bottles, and utensils, as well as properly segregating and recycling plastic waste, individuals can significantly contribute to the reduction of plastic pollution.

To tackle the plastic waste crisis, it requires collective efforts from governments, businesses, and individuals. By prioritizing sustainable practices and promoting responsible consumption, we can work towards a future with less plastic waste and a healthier environment for all.

Overall, 46 per cent of plastic waste is landfilled, while 22 per cent is mismanaged and becomes litter. Unlike other materials, plastic does not biodegrade. It can take up to 1,000 years to break down, so when it is discarded, it builds up in the environment until it reaches a crisis point. This pollution chokes marine wildlife, damages soil and poisons groundwater, and can cause serious health impacts.

Is pollution the only problem with plastic?

No, it also contributes to the climate crisis. The production of plastic is one of the most energy-intensive manufacturing processes in the world. The material is made from fossil fuels such as crude oil, which are transformed via heat and other additives into a polymer. In 2019, plastics generated 1.8 billion metric tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions – 3.4 per cent of the global total.

Where is all this plastic coming from?

The packaging sector is the largest generator of single-use plastic waste ­in the world. Approximately 36 per cent of all plastics produced are used in packaging. This includes single-use plastic food and beverage containers, 85 per cent of which end up in landfills or as mismanaged waste.

Farming is another area where plastic is ubiquitous: it is used in everything from seed coatings to mulch film. The fishing industry is another significant source. Recent research suggests more than 100 million pounds of plastic enters the oceans from industrial fishing gear alone. The fashion industry is another major plastic user. About 60 per cent of material made into clothing is plastic, including polyester, acrylic and nylon.

I have heard people talk about microplastics. What are those?

They are tiny shards of plastic measuring up to 5mm in length. They come from everything from tires to beauty products, which contain microbeads, tiny particles used as exfoliants. Another key source is synthetic fabrics. Every time clothing is washed, the pieces shed tiny plastic fibres called microfibres – a form of microplastics. Laundry alone causes around 500,000 tonnes of plastic microfibres to be released into the ocean every year –the equivalent of almost 3 billion polyester shirts.

What is being done about plastic pollution?

In 2022, UN Member States agreed on a resolution to end plastic pollution. An Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee is developing a legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, with the aim of having it finalized by the end of 2024. Critically, the talks have focused on measures considering the entire life cycle of plastics, from extraction and product design to production to waste management, enabling opportunities to design out waste before it is created as part of a thriving circular economy

While this progress is good news, current commitments by governments and industry are not enough. To effectively tackle the plastic pollution crisis, systemic change is needed. This means, moving away from the current linear plastic economy, which centres on producing, using and discarding the material, to a circular plastic economy, where the plastic that is produced is kept in the economy at its highest value for as long as possible.

How can countries make that a reality?

Countries need to encourage innovation and provide incentives to businesses that do away with unnecessary plastics. Taxes are needed to deter the production or use of single-use plastic products, while tax breaks, subsidies and other fiscal incentives need to be introduced to encourage alternatives, such as reusable products. Waste management infrastructure must also be improved. Governments can also engage in the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee process to forge a legally binding instrument that tackles plastic pollution, including in the marine environment.

What can the average person do about plastic pollution?

While the plastic pollution crisis needs systemic reform, individual choices do make a difference. Such as shifting behaviour to avoid single-use plastic products whenever possible. If plastic products are unavoidable, they should be reused or repurposed until they can no longer be used – at which point they should be recycled or disposed of properly. Bring bags to the grocery store, and if possible, striving to purchase locally sourced and seasonal food options that require less plastic packaging and transport.

Should I lobby governments and businesses to address plastic pollution?

Yes. One of the most important actions individuals can take is to ensure their voice is heard by talking to their local representatives about the importance of the issue and supporting businesses that are striving to reduce single-use plastic products in their supply chains. Individuals can also show their support for them on social media. If people see a company using unnecessary plastic (such as single-use plastics covering fruit at a grocery store) they can contact them and ask them to do better.


Project sponsored by Zenith Global Media Services & Consultancy


Causes, Effects and Solutions to Environmental Degradation

Environmental degradation is an increasingly pressing issue that affects us all. It is caused by a variety of factors, ranging from human activities to natural disasters, and its effects can be devastating. Many of these effects can cause further degradation, which means that this impact works as a downward cycle. Fortunately, there are solutions, and we can all work together to mitigate its impacts. Plant With Purpose exists to help reverse this cycle and create a more sustainable future for communities all around our planet.

By empowering rural communities to restore their environment, Plant With Purpose is addressing the root causes of environmental degradation and promoting long-term solutions.

One of the main causes of environmental degradation is deforestation. Trees play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems, yet they are often cut down for various reasons such as agriculture, timber, and fuel. This not only leads to the loss of biodiversity but also disrupts vital ecological processes. Plant With Purpose works with local communities to promote sustainable land management practices that help conserve forests, such as agroforestry. Through agroforestry, farmers can grow crops alongside trees, which not only prevents soil erosion but also provides additional income sources and improves food security.

Another significant factor contributing to environmental degradation is unsustainable agricultural practices. Many smallholder farmers rely on traditional methods that deplete soil nutrients, leading to decreased productivity over time. Plant With Purpose trains farmers in sustainable farming techniques such as terracing, contouring, and composting, which help to improve soil health and increase crop yields. By promoting sustainable agriculture, Plant With Purpose not only improves the livelihoods of farmers but also reduces the need for further deforestation for agriculture expansion.

Furthermore, Plant With Purpose tackles the issue of water scarcity, which is a result of environmental degradation. With the destruction of forests and the alteration of natural landscapes, water resources become depleted and polluted. By implementing watershed restoration projects, Plant With Purpose helps communities restore and protect their water sources, improving both water quality and availability. These projects often involve tree planting near rivers and lakes, which helps maintain water levels and filters pollutants before they reach water sources.

In addition to these on-the-ground projects, Plant With Purpose also advocates for sustainable policies and decision-making at the local and national levels. By raising awareness about the importance of sustainable practices and educating communities and policymakers, Plant With Purpose aims to create lasting change on a larger scale.

Mitigating environmental degradation is a collective effort that requires the involvement of individuals, communities, and governments. Plant With Purpose provides the tools and knowledge necessary to empower communities and reverse the cycle of environmental degradation. By restoring forests, promoting sustainable agriculture, and protecting water sources, Plant With Purpose is working towards a more sustainable future for communities all around the world.


Poverty: Poverty is a major contributor to environmental degradation. People living in poverty often experience hunger and food insecurity, which leads to over-exploitation of natural resources. For example, trees are frequently harvested to turn into charcoal, a product that can be sold for quick cash. This can lead to deforestation, air pollution, and other unsustainable practices that have a negative impact on the environment.

Poverty also affects environmental degradation in other ways. People living in poverty may not have access to education about environmental issues or the resources to invest in sustainable practices. They may also be more likely to engage in activities that are harmful to the environment, such as burning wood for fuel or dumping waste into rivers and streams. These activities can have long-term negative impacts on the environment, including air and water pollution, soil erosion, and loss of biodiversity.

Deforestation: Deforestation is the permanent destruction of forests in order to make the land available for other uses. It is one of the leading causes of environmental degradation because it reduces biodiversity, disrupts the water cycle, and contributes to climate change.

Trees also play an important role in the water cycle by absorbing water from the ground and releasing it into the atmosphere. Without trees, the water cycle is disrupted, leading to droughts and floods. Deforestation also contributes to climate change by releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Additionally, deforestation can lead to soil erosion, which can lead to desertification and other land degradation issues. All of these effects of deforestation can have long-lasting impacts on the environment.

Climate Change:
Climate change is a major contributor to environmental degradation because it can cause soil erosion, which is the process of wearing away the land surface by the action of natural forces such as wind, water, and ice. Climate change can cause an increase in the intensity and frequency of storms, worsening erosion. This can be especially damaging in areas that are already prone to soil erosion due to their topography or land use.

Additionally, climate change can cause an increase in the intensity and frequency of floods. Floods can carry away large amounts of sediment, which is then deposited elsewhere, leading to changes in the landscape. Furthermore, climate change can cause an increase in the intensity and frequency of droughts, which can lead to soil erosion due to wind and water. In other cases, climate change can create longer periods of drought, which results in insufficient plant growth.

Soil Damage: Soil erosion can have serious consequences for the environment, as it can lead to a decrease in soil fertility, an increase in sedimentation in waterways, and an increase in the risk of flooding. In addition, soil erosion can lead to the loss of valuable topsoil, which is essential for plant growth and food production.

Soil erosion can also contribute to environmental degradation in other ways. Soil erosion can lead to increased air pollution, as the dust particles are carried away by wind and deposited in other areas. Finally, soil erosion can lead to a decrease in biodiversity, as it can reduce the amount of habitat available for plants and animals. All of these effects can have serious consequences for the environment and should be taken into consideration when developing land management strategies.


Poverty In many rural areas, people rely on the environment for their livelihood. Right now, 8 in 10 people living in poverty are rural, reflecting the severity of our environmental crisis. Environmental degradation is a major contributor to poverty. Deforestation, overgrazing, pollution, and climate change all contribute to environmental degradation and can lead to decreased crop yields and water shortages. These factors can all contribute to poverty, as people are unable to produce enough food to feed their families.

As extreme weather events damage crops and reduce crop yields across Eastern Africa, people have grown increasingly unable to produce enough food to feed their families.

Deforestation: As environmental degradation worsens poverty, it drives people towards overharvesting of resources, namely, trees. When land is degraded, people are more likely to deforest an area in order to access the fertile forest soil for agricultural and other uses. Deforestation can also occur when land is cleared for agricultural or industrial purposes, or when forests are burned to create space for urban development. All of these activities can lead to a decrease in the amount of forested land available, which can have a devastating impact on the environment.

Soil Damage: Environmental degradation damages soil in a variety of ways. It furthers erosion, which removes topsoil and reduces the fertility of the soil. It can also cause an increase in salinity, which affects the ability of plants to absorb water and nutrients. Environmental degradation can lead to compaction, which reduces the amount of air and water that can be held in the soil. Finally, it can lead to a decrease in organic matter, which affects the ability of the soil to retain nutrients and water and to support plant growth.

Climate Change: Environmental degradation is a major contributor to climate change. Deforestation, overfishing, and other unsustainable practices lead to the destruction of habitats, the release of greenhouse gasses, and the disruption of natural carbon sinks. As habitats are destroyed, fewer plants are available to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, leading to an increase in atmospheric concentrations of the gas. The destruction of coral reefs and other marine ecosystems also leads to a decrease in the amount of carbon dioxide that is absorbed by the ocean, further contributing to climate change. Additionally, unsustainable practices such as overfishing can lead to a decrease in the number of organisms that consume carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, further exacerbating the problem.

Further Vulnerability When people living in rural areas experience environmental degradation and increasing poverty, they resort to desperate actions. Many times, children are taken out of school to work on their farm, and this disproportionately applies to girls. As a result, gender equality and education suffer.

Many people resort to migration, either to more urban areas or other countries, in search of sufficient work opportunities. Unfortunately these journeys are often dangerous, and displaced rural people in new cities or countries are especially vulnerable to exploitation. Environmental degradation is a significant contributor to human trafficking and violent activity.


Challenges like poverty, soil erosion, and climate change are both causes and effects of environmental degradation. This means that when one of these problems grows out of control, it sets off the other problems, and they all grow more severe together. It can lead to a very difficult life for someone living in a rural area that has been degraded.


Project sponsored by Zenith Global Media Services & Consultancy


Security of Our Environment is the responsibility of all

Environmental security awareness involves understanding and acknowledging the interconnectedness between environmental issues and national security. It recognizes that environmental threats such as climate change, natural disasters, and resource scarcity can have significant impacts on human health, economies, and political stability.

It is important to be aware of these threats and take appropriate action to mitigate risks and build resilience. This can involve implementing policies and practices that promote sustainability, investing in clean energy technologies, and supporting international cooperation to address global environmental challenges.

Individuals can also contribute to environmental security by being mindful of their own impact on the environment, reducing their carbon footprint, and advocating for policies that protect natural resources and ecosystems.

Overall, environmental security awareness is essential for safeguarding the well-being of both present and future generations, as well as ensuring a stable and secure world for all.

Environmental security awareness is important because it helps individuals and communities understand the interconnectedness of their well-being with the health and balance of the environment. It means recognizing that environmental issues such as pollution, habitat destruction, climate change, and resource depletion can have profound impacts on human societies, economies, and overall quality of life.

Protection of ecosystems: Increased environmental security awareness leads to a greater understanding of the importance of preserving and protecting the various ecosystems that provide essential services to humans, such as clean air and water, fertile soils, and biodiversity.

Mitigation of climate change impacts: Environmental security awareness involves recognizing the links between human activities and climate change. By understanding the causes and consequences of climate change, individuals and communities can take steps to reduce their carbon footprint, adopt sustainable practices, and adapt to the changing climate.

Conservation of natural resources: Awareness about the finite nature of natural resources such as water, fossil fuels, and minerals is crucial for their sustainable use. By recognizing the need to conserve these resources, individuals can make informed decisions about their consumption patterns, leading to reduced waste and increased efficiency.

Preservation of biodiversity: Environmental security awareness emphasizes the importance of biodiversity for the stability and resilience of ecosystems. By understanding the value of diverse species and their interdependencies, individuals and communities can support conservation efforts and reduce activities that contribute to habitat destruction and species loss.

Health and well-being: Increased environmental security awareness helps individuals understand the potential health impacts of environmental degradation, such as air and water pollution, exposure to toxic substances, and the spread of vector-borne diseases. This awareness encourages individuals to take measures to protect themselves and their communities from these risks, such as advocating for clean energy sources and supporting public health initiatives.

Overall, environmental security awareness means recognizing the importance of a healthy environment for sustainable development, human well-being, and the protection of future generations. It leads to informed and responsible actions to address environmental challenges, ensuring a more secure and sustainable future for all.


Project sponsored by Zenith Global Media Services & Consultancy


Environmental awareness: The need for a Safe environment

The world we live in today is facing numerous threats to our safety and well-being, from the effects of climate change to the increasing prevalence of natural disasters. It is crucial that we take action now to ensure that we are creating a safe and sustainable environment for ourselves and those who come after us.

One of the first steps we can take towards creating a safe environment is to address the issue of climate change, which is caused primarily by human activities such as greenhouse gas emissions and deforestation. The consequences of climate change are already being felt around the world, with extreme weather events becoming more frequent and more severe. We must all do our part to reduce our carbon footprint and switch to more sustainable energy sources in order to mitigate the effects of climate change.

Another key aspect of creating a safe environment is to ensure that our communities are resilient in the face of natural disasters. By investing in infrastructure that can withstand extreme weather events and establishing effective emergency response strategies, we can better protect ourselves and our communities from the impacts of natural disasters. It is also important that we work together to address the root causes of natural disasters, such as deforestation and urbanization, in order to prevent future catastrophes.

Furthermore, creating a safe environment means ensuring that everyone has access to clean air and water, nutritious food, and safe living conditions. It is unacceptable that millions of people around the world are living in poverty and facing environmental pollution and degradation on a daily basis. We must work together to address these issues and create a more equitable and just society for all.

Morealso, creating a safe environment is not just a moral imperative – it is a necessity if we want to ensure the well-being of ourselves and future generations. We must all do our part to address the threats to our environment and work towards a more sustainable and resilient future. Let us come together as a global community to create a safe environment for all.

Why safe environment crucial for several reasons:

Physical safety: A safe environment ensures the physical well-being of individuals. It reduces the risk of accidents, injuries, and illnesses. This is especially important in places like schools, workplaces, and public spaces where large numbers of people gather.

Emotional well-being: A safe environment provides emotional security and stability. It reduces stress, anxiety, and fear, allowing individuals to focus on their tasks and enjoy their interactions with others. Feeling safe promotes mental well-being and improves overall quality of life.

Productivity and performance: When people feel safe, they are more likely to be motivated, engaged, and productive. In a safe work environment, employees are more willing to take risks, share ideas, and express their opinions. This leads to increased productivity, creativity, and innovation.

Learning and development: Safety is essential in educational settings. Students need a safe environment to learn effectively and explore new ideas without fear of judgment or harm. In a safe environment, students are more willing to participate, ask questions, and take intellectual risks, leading to enhanced learning outcomes and personal growth.

Trust and relationships: Safety promotes trust and positive relationships among individuals. When people feel safe, they are more likely to trust others, build meaningful connections, and collaborate effectively. A safe environment fosters a sense of community and belonging, allowing individuals to support and rely on each other.

Health and well-being: A safe environment plays a crucial role in maintaining good health and well-being. It includes aspects such as clean air, safe drinking water, proper sanitation, and access to healthcare services. A safe environment protects individuals from health hazards and reduces the risk of infectious diseases.

Legal and ethical considerations: Providing a safe environment is not only a moral responsibility but also a legal requirement for organizations. They have a duty to ensure safety standards are met to prevent harm to employees, customers, and the public. Failure to provide a safe environment can result in legal and financial consequences.

In summary, a safe environment is fundamental for the physical, emotional, and psychological well-being of individuals. It fosters productivity, promotes learning and development, builds trust and relationships, and ensures legal compliance. Creating and maintaining a safe environment is beneficial for individuals, organizations, and society as a whole.


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Corpreneur: More corps members benefit in Lagos, Kano, Kaduna

Maryam Aminu

The Minister of State for Youth Development, HM Ayodele Olawande, has extended the reach of the Corpreneur Support Initiative (CSI) to benefit corps members in Lagos, Kano, and Kaduna.

Olawande during his visit to the NYSC camp in Karaye, Kano, unveiled the initiative, which aims to provide financial assistance to more than a hundred corps members who have completed the Skill Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Development (SAED) program, with the goal of promoting entrepreneurship and self-employment.

Emphasizing the importance of transitioning from skill acquisition to active entrepreneurship, the Minister highlighted collaborative efforts with the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Job Creation and MSMEs, Mr. Temitope Adekunle-Johnson.

He also lauded Wema Bank for its additional funding, showcasing a strong partnership aimed at fostering business skills among Nigerian youth.

HM Olawande revealed that over a hundred outstanding corps members from various skill sets, who have emerged from the SAED program in the ongoing Batch A Stream 2 Orientation Course of the NYSC, would receive varying amounts of financial support to kickstart their businesses.

He urged the youth to leverage the skills they have acquired, while providing them with the necessary support and resources to create employment opportunities and contribute to economic growth.

“Implemented in partnership with the Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Job Creation and MSMEs, led by Mr. Temitope Adekunle-Johnson, the Corpreneur Support Initiative (CSI) also involves Wema Bank providing additional funding to corps entrepreneurs who require more capital injection into their businesses. This initiative reflects a strategic move under the Renewed Hope Agenda to empower young Nigerians to transition from skill acquisition to successful entrepreneurship”

Minister Sets up Task Force To Implement Youth Development Programmes

Maryam Aminu

The Minister of State for Youth Development, Mr. Ayodele Olawande has set up a task force for the purpose of implementing youth development programmes with the various stakeholders. This includes government agencies, private corporations and development partners called ‘Nigerian Youth Joint Task Force (NYJTF)’.

He made this known when he received the National stakeholders of various youth groups representing the ethnic nationalities and political parties in Abuja, recently.

During the meeting, the various groups unanimously agreed that the Task Force is opened to membership from all other professional youth organizations and groups, including people with disability that may want to contribute to the actualization of the Task Force’s mandate.

“The mandate is to unite all youth across political, ethnic and religious divide to pursue the common goal of implementing youth development initiatives by all critical actors such as governments, private sectors and development partners.

This according to the groups will serve as a support to augment Mr. President’s effort in youth development.”

In the meeting, they agreed that a new approach would be adopted in the pursuit of youth development in the country that will enable the youth to feel the government and be part of the government.

“A task force will develop practical initiatives for improving youth welfare. They have a 6-month timeline to provide 3 deliverables such as better living conditions for corps members, sustainable skills for the informal sector, and grassroots development initiatives. Other ideas include cooperatives for cottage industries and funding to improve local production capability.”

They further agreed to have a technical committee that will distill ideas and put forward great initiatives to improve the lot of the youth, while others will continue to galvanize support for the implementation of the initiatives.

The committee noted their willingness to accommodate as many youth groups as possible across the federation.

They disclosed that at least three states would be visited by the committee to commence engagement with relevant stakeholders on how to chart a course for youth inclusion and development within the next two weeks.

Youth Minister Collaborates With CSI To Tackle Unemployment Among Corps Members

Maryam Aminu

The Minister of State for Youth Development, Mr. Ayodele Olawande has said that the Corpreneur Support Initiative (CSI) in collaboration with NYSC Entrepreneurial Support programme is partnering with strategic organizations to ensure that more corps members benefit from the initiative to curb unemployment in the country.

Olawande made this disclosure, recently, during his visit to the Batch A Stream 2 Orientation Course of the NYSC camp in Karaye, Kano State.

The Minister in a statement by the Director Press and Public Relation, Omolara Esan said the Corpreneur Support Initiative (CSI) is being implemented in partnership with the Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Job Creation and MSMEs led by Mr. Temitope Adekunle-Johnson.

“This initiative reflects a strategic move under the Renewed Hope Agenda to empower young Nigerians to transition from skill acquisition to successful entrepreneurship. It is a notable achievement in the quest to provide Nigerian youth with the tools and resources to create jobs and contribute to the nation’s economic growth”, he said.

Mr. Olawande further noted that the initiative presents a unique opportunity for over a hundred corps members to receive financial awards upon completion of the Skill Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Development (SAED) programme. According to him, the aim of the initiative is to promote entrepreneurship and self-employment among Nigerian youth.

The Minister said, “Over a hundred outstanding corps members from every skill group who emerged from the Skill Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Development (SAED) in the Batch A Stream 2 Orientation Course of the NYSC would receive varying amounts to set up their businesses”.

He lauded the collaborative efforts of other organisations for providing support to nurture business skills among Nigerian youth.


DODO is a nick name given to Dr. Bello Muhammed Matawalle MON by his admirers in Zamfara State. It is a metaphorical expression for someone who instill fear on bandits. The name was given to Matawalle because during his tenure as Governor of Zamfara State, bandits take to hiding at the mention of his name.

Our attention has been drawn to the barrage of attacks on his personality because of his strong support for President Bola Ahmed Tinubu GCFR. The recent campaign of calumny and name-calling against the Honourable Minister of State for Defence, Dr. Bello Muhammed Matawalle MON, is unfortunate and misguided. Despite these baseless accusations, Dr. Matawalle remains committed to his duties and will not be deterred from performing his responsibilities as Minister of State for Defence.

Dr. Matawalle’s dedication to the security and well-being of Nigerians is unwavering, and his efforts to support the President’s Renewed Hope Agenda are evident in his various initiatives and policies. It is essential to focus on the issues that matter, rather than resorting to personal attacks and smear campaigns.

We rise in defense of Dr. Bello Muhammed Matawalle MON, the Minister of State for Defence, against the recent barrage of accusations and calumny directed at him. We condemn these baseless attacks and stand in solidarity with Dr. Matawalle, a dedicated public servant committed to the security and well-being of Nigerians.

Dr. Matawalle’s unwavering support for the President’s Renewed Hope Agenda and his tireless efforts to address security challenges in Nigeria are evident in his various initiatives and policies. We applaud his dedication to his duties and his unrelenting commitment to a safer and more secure Nigeria.

We urge the public to disregard these unfounded accusations and instead, focus on the positive contributions Dr. Matawalle has made and continues to make towards a better Nigeria. We stand with Dr. Matawalle and call on all Nigerians to support him in his crucial role as Minister of State for Defence.

On the purported case of corruption by the
Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), we see it as another distraction from the great achievements of this distinguished public servant.

Dr. Matawalle’s unwavering commitment to the security and well-being of Nigerians is evident in his tireless efforts to address security challenges in Nigeria. His dedication to his duties and his unrelenting commitment to a safer and more secure Nigeria are qualities that should be commended, not maligned.

We urge the EFCC to focus on genuine cases of corruption and not to allow itself to be used as a tool for political vendetta. Dr. Matawalle’s integrity and reputation are unassailable, and we stand with him against these baseless accusations.

This distraction will not deter Dr. Matawalle from performing his duties as Minister of State for Defence, and we call on all Nigerians to support him in his crucial role.

The recent sponsored protest of some group of youths in Zamfara is another distraction and a waste of government resources. It is unnecessary and unproductive. Rather than wasting resources on calumny and smear campaigns, we urge these individuals and groups to focus on governance and the welfare of the people of Zamfara State.

These recent protests against Dr. Bello Muhammed Matawalle, the Minister of State for Defence, are political machinations by anti – Tinubu forces aimed at distracting the government from its laudable achievements. Let their sponsors channel their energy and resources towards building a better Zamfara State and a more secure Nigeria, rather than tearing each other down.

These forces, driven by selfish interests and a desire to undermine the President’s Renewed Hope Agenda, are desperate to discredit Dr. Matawalle, a loyal and dedicated member of the President’s team.

We urge Nigerians to see through this ploy and focus on the progress being made in addressing security challenges and improving the lives of citizens. Dr. Matawalle’s unwavering commitment to the security and well-being of Nigerians is unshakeable, and we stand with him against these baseless attacks.

In conclusion, let me react to Senator Shehu Sani’s postulation which cautioned on the call of removal of Matawalle from office by some groups in Zamfara State.

Referencing Senator Shehu Sani statement on the ongoing demand for the reopening of the N72 billion fraud case against Minister of Defense Bello Mattawale, he warned against hasty actions that could lead to his removal from office. He said “If Zamfara was given the portfolio of Minister of State for Culture, the People of Zamfara would have accused the President they elected of being insensitive to do their plight. The President’s decision to name a Minister from a banditry dominated state is just and logical.”

We should not be blindfolded by sentiment by calling for the removal of Dr. Matawalle from office. We should instead x-ray his performance in tanden with improved security situation in Zamfara on particular and North-East as an hitherto epic center of banditry and other form of criminalities.

Food for thought!!!!

Some key points to highlight in defense of Dr. Matawalle include:

  • His commitment to the security and well-being of Nigerians
  • His efforts to support the President’s Renewed Hope Agenda
  • His various initiatives and policies aimed at addressing security challenges
  • His dedication to his duties as Minister of State for Defence
  • The importance of focusing on issues rather than personal attacks
  • His commitment to security and well being of Nigerians
  • His dedication to his duties as a Minister of State for Defence
  • His unrelenting commitment to a safe and more secured Nigeria
  • The EFCC’s purported CASE being a distraction from his achievements
  • The need for the EFCC to focus on genuine cases of corruption.

Some possible hashtags to use in support of Dr. Matawalle include:

StandWithMatawalle #FocusOnTheIssues #SecurityMatters #SupportOurTroops #DefendTheTruth


Commentator/ Analyst

NSCDC Boss Inducts Newly Trained Incident Commanders, Harps on Compliance with Ethics, Professionalism

By Emmanuel Daudu

As part of measures to uphold the Corps’ statutory responsibilities of ensuring safety, security and providing succour to citizens during emergencies, the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps has trained and inducted its first set of incident Commanders.

According to a press release signed on Wednesday by the National PRO NSCDC, CSC Babawale Zaid Afolabi , the NSCDC Commandant General, Dr Ahmed Abubakar Audi mni. OFR while speaking at the event which was held at  the National Headquarters of the Corps Sauka-Abuja, said that training and re-training of personnel is necessary for effective performance and career development noting that the incident commanders have been trained for immediate and timely response to crisis and emergencies.

The Commandant General who was represented by the Deputy Commandant General Technical Services Directorate; DCG Ibrahim Zakari Ningi fdc, reiterated that training and manpower development are priotized in the Audi led administration and would definitely continue to enhance effective service delivery.

“The world is advancing technologically and the Corps is doing her possible best to upscale the skills of personnel so as to be at per with international best practices”. 

While congratulating the graduands for their endurance and resilience throughout the training period; he further  charged them to continue on the part of excellence, professionalism and implicit adherence to the Corps’ ethical standard.

“Let me on this note urge you to embrace this maiden opportunity with humility and sense of responsibility; remember to who much is given much more is expected”.

“It is pertinent that you always act in the best interest of the people you were called to serve and uphold the values of the Corps with pride, humility and credibility….he added”.

Speaking during his presentation, the international Cordinator of the International  Crisis Response Course, Commandant Akpan Edike said the training initiative was borne out of the Commandant General’s passion for Personnel capacity building which began in 2021 on a virtual platform; he added that over 11,000 officers are currently learning and graduating from the plaftform.

The Cordinator added that the granduants have succefully passed 10 courses which were drawn from a wide range of specialised areas such as protection and assistance against chemical warfare agents, prevention and countering violent extremism through non- kinetic approaches, paramedics and disaster management, flood mitigation and management, drone piloting and management amongst others.

Commandant Edike also acknowledged the collaborating institutions for Course Certification such as the Prestigious Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) Ile-Ife Osun State; The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and the International Crisis Response Institute. 

In the highpoint of the event an oath of service and allegiance was administered by Bar. Rabiu Muhammed which was followed by issuance of  certificates and badges to the graduants.

Governor Alia’s Cars Gift to the Judiciary: A Symbol of Support and Commitment

The Honourable Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice and Public Order of Benue State, Hon. Barr. Fidelis Bemsen Mnyim has said the cars gifts to the judiciary by the Executive Governor of the state Rev Dr Hyacinth Alia were symbol of support and commitment as promised when he assumed office.

Barr Mnyim was reacting to a query posed by Prof. Ernest Ojukwu, a distinguished Senior Advocate of Nigeria in a tweet on Monday 7th May 2024 challenging the viability of the autonomy granted to Benue State Judiciary if the State Governor was still buying cars for them.

The esteemed Professor had wondered why Governor Rev. Alia of Benue State should procure vehicles for the state’s judiciary when the funds allocated to the judiciary could be utilized for that purpose.

The Attorney General of the State elucidated that the procurement of vehicles for the judiciary constitutes an additional benevolent gesture by the Governor.

He said the gesture was particularly significant in light of the fact that Governor Alia had already granted full financial autonomy to the judiciary in February 2024, encompassing both recurrent and capital expenditures, consequent upon which the judiciary is receiving her complete share of funds accruing from FAAC and IGR, proportionate to the percentage of the budget for the month.

Barr. Mnyim emphasized that the judiciary has the financial wherewithal to procure vehicles of their choice, as the allocated funds are released to them at the end of each month.

However, in demonstrating his commitment to the judiciary, justice, and the law, Governor Alia has opted to supplement the financial autonomy with a magnanimous donation of vehicles to the judiciary.

This gesture is designed to inspire the judiciary to strive for excellence in their service delivery.

The Attorney General further highlighted that Governor Alia’s benevolence extends beyond the judiciary, as his administration has implemented various initiatives aimed at enhancing staff welfare and effective service delivery across all sectors.

“The Governor’s commitment to the welfare of the judiciary and the entire citizenry of Benue State is evident in his unwavering dedication to fostering an environment conducive to justice, equity, and progress”

The Honourable Attorney General’s response has provided clarity on the Governor’s decision to procure vehicles for the judiciary, underscoring the importance of collaboration and support between the executive and judicial arms of government.

This synergy is crucial for the advancement of justice, the rule of law, and the overall development of Benue State.

In the realm of governance, the concept of separation of powers is a fundamental tenet, ensuring that each arm of government operates within its constitutional bounds. However, this separation does not preclude collaboration and mutual support.

In fact, effective governance often hinges on the ability of the executive, legislative, and judicial arms to work in harmony, fostering an environment of cooperation and collective progress.

In Benue State, Governor Rev. Fr. Hyacinth Iormem Alia has demonstrated a profound understanding of this synergy, recognizing that a strong and independent judiciary is essential for the advancement of justice and the rule of law.

By granting full financial autonomy to the judiciary, Governor Alia has empowered this critical arm of government to operate with the requisite independence and efficiency.

The procurement of vehicles for the judiciary, as highlighted by the Honourable Attorney General, serves as a tangible manifestation of Governor Alia’s commitment to the judiciary and the broader justice sector.

This gesture not only underscores the Governor’s appreciation for the judiciary’s vital role but also acknowledges the challenges faced by judicial officers in the discharge of their duties.

In a state grappling with the complexities of development, security, and social welfare, the judiciary plays a critical role in upholding the rule of law and ensuring that justice is served. By supporting the judiciary through the provision of necessary resources, Governor Alia has demonstrated a keen understanding of the intricate web of governance and the interdependence of its various components.

Moreover, the Governor’s commitment to staff welfare and effective service delivery across all sectors is a testament to his administration’s dedication to the well-being of the citizenry.

By prioritizing the needs of the judiciary and other critical sectors, Governor Alia has set a precedent for effective governance, one that prioritizes the collective progress of the state over individual interests.

In the face of numerous challenges, Governor Alia’s leadership has been a beacon of hope for the people of Benue State. His unwavering commitment to justice, equity, and progress has inspired a renewed sense of purpose and optimism, fostering an environment in which the judiciary, the executive, and the legislature can work in harmony to advance the common good.

As the Honourable Attorney General, Barr. Fidelis Mnyim, has so eloquently articulated, the procurement of vehicles for the judiciary constitutes a magnanimous gesture, one that transcends mere symbolism to represent a tangible commitment to the judiciary and the people of Benue State. This gesture serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative potential of effective governance, one that prioritizes the needs of the many over the interests of the few.

2027 Polls: National Youth Alliance Names Interim Executive Committee

In a move aimed at harnessing the energy and potential of young people ahead of the 2027 general elections, the National Youth Alliance (NYA) has announced the appointment of an interim Executive Committee to steer its affairs for the next six months.

In a statement signed by the NYA National Chairman and Youth President, Ambassador Aliyu Bin Abbas, made available to newsmen in Kaduna on Tuesday May 7, 2024, this dynamic team of dedicated individuals will spearhead the organization’s efforts to empower and mobilize young Nigerians to drive positive change.

According to the statement, members of the interim Executive Committee are as follows: Amb. Aliyu Bin Abbas – National Chairman/Youth President, Hon. Tamunotonye Samuel Inioribo – National Secretary, Comrade Darlington Agoha – National Organising Secretary, Comrade Hamza Nasarawa – National Youth Leader and Okwor Adanna Martina – National Women Leader

Others are, Barr. Adeola Onikoyi – National Legal Adviser, Comrade Obande Gideon Obande – National Publicity Secretary, Hon. Oladipupo Ogunseye – National Director of New Media, Hon. Abdulhamid Dankyarko – National Director of Finance, Prof Muhammad Sackor – NYA Consultant and Comrade Abubakar – National Director Research & Planning

It informed that fhe Office of the National Chairman/Youth President will be supported by, Hon. Meshack Onyeche – Chief of Staff, Babangida Aliyu – SSA Political Matters, Okpani Jacob Onjewu Dickson – SSA Media and Publicity, Hon. Hauwa Muhammad Kwajaffa – SSA Special Duties, Comrade Abdulrahman Bala – SSA Student Matters, Joseph Orike – SSA Foreign Relations, Anthony Edet Effiong – SSA Protocol and Gloria Z. Collins – Personal Assistant.

The statement said that this interim Executive Committee brings together a wealth of experience and expertise, and is poised to inspire, mobilize and empower young people to drive positive change in Nigeria in line with the objectives of the NYA.

ECOWAS Commission organises a Validatory Workshop on Records Management Policy, Assets Management Policy and Manual

Lagos, Nigeria – The ECOWAS Commission organises a Validatory Workshop on the Records Management Policy and Assets Management Policy and Manual from May 6 to May 10, 2024.

The purpose of this policy is to establish a framework and assign responsibilities to ensure that complete, accurate and reliable records of the activities of ECOWAS institutions and specialized agencies are created, received, retained, accessed and disposed of in a standard and approved manner.

The objective of the workshop is to enhance the institutional procedures and processes of the ECOWAS Commission for more effective and efficient business delivery.

The workshop  is aimed at raising awareness of the use of the asset management policy and manual, improve understanding of the records management policy and manual, prepare for management approval of the validated asset management policy, prepare for management approval of the validated asset management policy and manual.

The workshop brings together selected participants from the various departments of the ECOWAS Commission, its institutions and agencies, and is organized with the support of GIZ.

NiMet DG/CEO Anosike Tasks Staff On Transparent Processes At 2024 Budget Retreat

The Director General, Chief Executive Officer of The Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NiMet), Professor Charles Anosike, has asked Directors and staff of the agency to ensure strict compliance to budgetary provisions.
Professor Anosike was speaking at the Budget Retreat of the agency on Monday, 6th May, 2024.

While declaring the retreat open, Professor Anosike said; “The NiMet Budget Retreat is fundamental for the new management and staff. It is an opportunity for us to improve our budgetary practices and also to discuss the 2024 budgetary provisions”.

Continuing, Professor Anosike tasked the Directors and senior staff of the agency who participated in the retreat to listen, participate and contribute to the robust discussions.

“Anticipated outcome of the retreat is that all will embrace performance-based budgeting which will lead to transparent and accountable budgetary processes.
This will help management and staff to achieve our set goals during the budget year, in line with the performance bond signed with the Minister of Aviation and Aerospace Development, Festus Keyamo, SAN”, Professor Anosike concluded.

Dr Doreen Yusuf appointed Canadian Country Reps for Worldsdgs-org

By Emmanuel Daudu (SDGs Reporter)

A Canadian Citizen, Dr. Doreen Osasuwa Yusuf has been appointed as the Canadian Country Representative for the World Sustainable Development Goals Organization, worldsdgs.org. As the country representative, she has been urged to work within the framework of the 17 SDGs and collaborate with the Canadian government to achieve sustainable development in the country.

The SDGs are a set of global goals adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015. They aim to address various social, economic, and environmental challenges faced by the world, including poverty, inequality, climate change, and biodiversity loss.

Dr Doreen’s role as the Canadian Country Representative will involve raising awareness about the SDGs, promoting their implementation, and fostering partnerships between different stakeholders, including the government, civil society organizations, politicians, business tycoons and the private sector.

Furthermore, Dr. Doreen will be expected to work closely with the Canadian government to align national policies and strategies with the SDGs. This collaboration will ensure that Canada progresses towards sustainable development by integrating the goals into national agendas and decision-making processes.

By assuming this position, Dr. Doreen has a significant responsibility to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development in Canada. The appointment reflects her expertise and dedication to the field, and it is hoped that her efforts, with the support of various stakeholders, will lead to positive and transformative change in the country.

According to the letter of appointment signed by the Global Chairman, Board of Trustees, World Sustainable Development Goals Organization, Chief Samson Adeosun, the Global Secretary-General, Advisory Council, H.E. Wajdi Aref Moukarim and the Founder, H.E. Emmanuel Huleji Daudu, Dr. Doreen was urged to take her new office seriously ensure that her quarter is contributed in impacting positively on lives within her scope of duty in Canada.

The letter, giving details on the aims and objectives of the organization, disclosed that the international NGO is aimed at promoting development and economic goals in all the UN member nations.
“To work within the scope of the I 7goals of Sustainable Development Goals within the member nations of UN which are: end poverty, end hunger, ensure healthy lives and promote well-being, ensure quality education, achieve gender equality, ensure sustainable water and sanitation, ensure reliable energy, promote economic growth, build resilient infrastructure, foster innovative and infrastructure, reduce inequality within and among countries, ensure sustainable consumption and production pattern, combat climate change, conserved and sustainable use of oceans, seas, marine resources for sustainable development.
“To empower youths globally with sustainable skill: focusing on youth development, gender and environmental sustainability.

“To support the adopted global goals (Sustainable Development Goals) to end poverty, protect the plant, and ensure prosperity for all across all UN member nations

” To inspire and educate youths and women to actively contribute to improving local and global issues affecting development on education, sustainability, health, environment and peacebuilding.

“To encourage purposeful leadership for the development of the people and society.

“To foster global development through integrated approach towards the Challenges facing development globally: good health, food, shelter, poverty alleviation, quality education, environment, peacebuilding, child abuse and human trafficking, youth and women empowerment and mentoring

” To collaborate with other Organizations, Foundations, NGOs, having similar objectives”.